Tuesday, February 12, 2013

SBEA3169 Studio 3rd Year Sem 2 2012-2013: Common Studio Programme INTEGRATOR

Comprehensive Design Project [Mini Thesis  PSM]
Medium Scale Multi Functional Complex Design with vertical services [4-6 storey-220 to 240 persons] – Suburban max 3 acres

Design Generators: User/ Client/ Function/ Context/ Environmental Element/ Economy/ Technology/ Structure/ Regulation/ Universal Requirement - Green Tech House
Integration SBEA3733 Building Integration and Performance
Recommended Participation in Greentech House Design Competition (especially WB Halim)

Special Needs Shelter for Youth of the 21st Century

TASK 1 25% - 5 Weeks (CLO1, CLO 2 & CLO4)

Task 1a:                   Background Study, and Design Brief Development
Task 1b:    Site Inventory, Analysis and Synthesis 5%
Group work and individual synthesis.   
Task 1c:  Conceptual and Schematic Site, and Building Sketch Design  10%
Design up to 6 storey on a 3-acre site, based on individual student’s research, identified issues and conceptual approaches and themes. Presentable Conceptual and Schematic Sketch Design emphasizing on response to site context and background research, Architectural articulation of space, form and elements based on specified design approaches, and thoughtful options. How to create a more conducive social environment based on the special needs of the users. Conceptual, Contemporary, Forward Looking.

Task 2  40%                   6  weeks (CLO1, CLO2, CLO3)

Main Design Development and Final Design Drawings
Develop Schematic, Site and Building Design – including conceptual, perceptual and functional considerations - Brief development, further research & conceptual studies,– conceptual proposals reaffirmed, apparent structural and constructional systems, sketch sections,.

Final Design Proposal, Addressing  current issues of special needs users in Malaysia or abroad as identified in the research stage, develop from students own conceptual approaches

Task 3 Technology Integration  25%  3 weeks (CLO2, CLO3)

Technical Design inc. technical section, structural isometric, Construction Details, Services, Building Integration and Performance.

Task 4                  Design Dissertation 10% (CLO5)

Refer to Programme for Design Dissertation Requirements.

Studio Schedule
2012-2013 Sem 2


Week 1
11 Feb 2013
15 Feb 2013

AM: Dept. Briefing.
PM: Intro Studio, Get to know.
TASK 1 Research and brief development
Intro: Report Preparations.
Week 2
18 Feb 2013
22 Feb 2013
Design Forum 1 Design Forum 1 (theoretical background and design issues 1) Prof Dr Tajuddin
PM: Prepare individual brief for building design. Include Issues and precedents study.
Discuss Research & Report.

AM: Studio Trip. 
Site Visit, inventory and Analysis on Saturday (WB Halim)
Week 3
25 Feb 2013
1 Mar 2013
PM: Studio Trip

AM: Design Forum 2 (theoretical background and design issues 2) (Dr Khairul)
PM: Discuss Site Analysis, Synthesis, Conceptual Planning and Site Design.
Week 4
4 Mar 2013
17Mar 2013
Design Forum 3 (site planning issues and case study) (Ar Marzuki?)
Discuss Research and Brief Development
7-8 March Seninar Green Tech
Group Crits for Sketch Design. Input and discussion on Perceptual Design. Written brief A4 format.
Week 5
11 Mar 2013
15 Mar 2013
Finalise Sketch Design. Group Crits.

Submit Task 1. Panel (?) Assess.
9am. Pin-up and present.
Week 6
18 Mar 2013
22 Mar 2013
AM: Design Forum 3: Structure and Construction (Halim).
PM: Discussions on Perceptual Design. Crits on Conceptual Ideas, brief development & precedence studies and site design.

Brief development finalised, Further research & conceptual studies – developed individual conceptual design proposals.
Week 7
25 Mar 2013
29 Mar 2013
PM: Input and Discussions on Functional Design. Crits on perceptual proposals and precedents on perceptual qualities in architecture.

Crits on functional design and precedents on functional/practicality of layouts/building types. Workable plans and conceptual sections

Monitor Dissertation Progress.
Week 8
1 Apr 2013
5 Apr 2015
AM: Design Forum 4: Sustainable Architecture Design (Dr Zin)
PM: Functional Design Schematics and perceptual proposal development.

Conceptual, Perceptual and Functional Integration. Design presentations. Drawings to scale.
Week 9
8-12 Apr 2013
MID Sem Break

Week 10
15 Apr 2013
19 May 2013
AM: Design Forum 5 (services issues and case study) Dr Amin
Finalise Design Works. Design development. Plans, sections, elevations finalized. Technical considerations. Structural Grid.

Crit Final Design Presentations. Write-up on design ideas, concepts, approaches. Finalise concept sheet. Discuss Design Dissertation. Finalise Design
Technical input and design crits
Week 11
22 Apr 2013
26 Apr 2013
3rd yr pre Assess
25 Apr
PM: Finalise Design Presentations
Week 12
29 Apr 2013
3 May 2013
PM: Finalise Design Presentations

Submit Task 2 – Completed Design
Studio Masters to ensure that students have completed this stage.
Week 13
6 May 2013
10 May 2013
Technology Integration Crits. Prep Design Dissertation
Submit Draft Report
Technology Integration Crits.
Week 14
13 May 2013
17 May 2013
Technology Integration Workshop

Technology Integration Crits.
Submit Task 3

Week 15
20 May 2013
24 May 2013
Finalise Submission Drawings.
Submission of all drawings on 21 May 2013.
22 May 3rd yr Assess Final Overall
Discuss and Crit Report
Week 16
27 May 2013
31 May 2013
Study week.

Week 17
4-6 June 2013
Exam Week
Portfolio Review  4-6 June 2013

8-9 June SPACE Portfoio
Week 18

Week 19
17 Jun 2013
Submit Hard Bound Copy, CD and A3
18 June Meeting Portfolio

25-26 June
27-28 June
External Examiners

27 June Last Day Marks Input

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, students should be able to:

Course Learning Outcome
(C, P, A)
And Generic Skills
Assessment Methods
Interpret knowledge for medium-high complexity design (building integration+ composite technology+ social+ sustainability+ regulation) to formulate design brief

PO1, PO3, PO6

Task 1
and Task 2
Design a comprehensive medium complex building with critical thinking and problem solving skills based on appropriate design theories

PO2, PO3, PO7

Task 2 and Task 3
Excel in architectural communication skills relevant to medium-high complexity comprehensive design project (Architectural drawing convention + construction  convention + technical studies + special detail + model + client-architect verbal)
PO3, PO4
P5; CS5

Task 2 and Task 3

Work cooperatively as a team through participation in group work

A3; TW3

Task 1  
Produce a comprehensive design dissertation.  

PO1, PO5
P4; CS 3

Task 4

Marks Distribution According to Tasks and CLOs and Product Description.

Marks %

a. Research Background Study & Brief Development (Individual) b. Site inventory, analysis (group),

Explorative and comprehensive exposition of case studies and background research.  Design brief development. Site inventory and analysis.
c. Site synthesis (Individual), planning & design (individual)             5 weeks


Concept or idea of Site Plan, Site Design and initial building design  conceptual and schematic design based on the research and findings to explain the issues addressed and explored. Illustrate proper written and graphical presentation with writing, design drawings and diagrams to explain the issues.



Teamworking – peer assessed
Main Building Design Project

Producing complete project by incorporating the schematic drawing, concepts and ideas derived from earlier stage.

6 weeks


Conceptual, perceptual and functional integration into building design. Initial Technical Considerations


Portray good drawing communication and verbal skills in terms of architectural language and conventions.
Technology Integrtion


Appropriate technology integration -Structure, construction, bldg services -relating to the completed building design project.
3 weeks


Illustrate proper presentation of technological Integration in building design.
Project Dissertation

Documentation of design background, process, thinking and outcomes. Bounded design report (refer studio programme)
14 Weeks


Marks Distribution According to Tasks, CLOs and Pos.

Design Skills
Problem Solving
Life long learning
Prof Ethics and Humanity
Program Learning Outcome
Course Learning Outcome
Marks %
Task 1: Research and Sketch Design






Task 2: Major Design






Task 3: Technology Integration




Task 4 Dissertation




TASK 1 25% - 5 Weeks (CLO1, CLO2, CLO4)

Task 1a:                   Background Study, and Design Brief Development                 
Theoretical studies, issues and precedents

Students will undertake specified research addressing the special needs, relevant architectural theories, social, conceptual, perceptual, functional and technical aspects relating to building design. Suggested areas of research:

·       Social issues related to design for the user group
·       Architectural theories related to design based on building type and students interest.
·       Latest approaches and considerations in specific building designs for special needs -disabled, other special needs, community architecture)
·       Latest approaches and considerations in the design of communal and social activity spaces
·       Global and Local issues in community shelter design and sheltered housing
·       Issues on sustainable architecture – refer to Greentech House Competition Brief.
·       Conceptual, perceptual, functional and technical precedents.

This will result in a significant contribution to your design dissertation. You will also come up on your individual brief and proclamation and statement of issues and conceptual approaches to be tackled by this semester, including special needs, social interactions, design approaches, technical and sustainable approaches.

Generic issues relating to each of the topics:
·       Definitions and elaborations of the subject matter.
·       Why are we discussing this? Must be relevant to architectural design.
·       Case Studies. Learning points; Strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT).
·       Special design concepts, approaches, ideas or considerations
·       Issues relating to culture, habits, norms and practices in mass housing design
·       What are the human issues related to these places?
·       Social Interactions – Adults, youth , children, family, neighbours and community
·       Visual
·       Experiential
·       Form-making
·       Space making
·       Spatial relationships
·       Place making
·       Different types of users, categories of shelters and housing
·       Issues relating to the usage or the lack thereof.
·       Desirable and undesirable utility
·       Planned and unplanned utility
·       Circulation, proximity, zoning, sizing, accessibility
·       Main structural and constructional methods used
·       Building Services
·       Issues related to sustainability.

Each student must make an Individual proclamation and statement of issues and conceptual approaches that he/she wishes to tackle this semester. Emphasis can be on social, technical, architectural, sustainable, environmental, experimental, or other aspects, to be agreed with the studio master.

Presentation and Report :
·       Findings from the research are to be presented as part of the schematic design concept sheets for the Sketch design stage (Task 1c) and relevant sections are to be included in the final design presentation and dissertation.
·       Present an analysis of the subject matter and a synthesis relating the subject matter to the proposed design.

Task 1b:    Site Inventory, Analysis and Synthesis
Site Inventory and Analysis (Group work) and synthesis (individual).   

The Site Analysis
Site Inventory and Analysis is to be done as a group work and needs to be completed before the site design and sketch design project. The synthesis can be done as a group but students need to have their own individual syathesis as well and present as part of the introduction to their Desgn Project.

For site inventory, analysis and synthesis, carry out a site/field study in the form of observation, qualitative & quantitative survey on the identified site/location/areas, as well as relevant documentation related to the site. The objective is to determine scenarios related to the community and the social culture as well as other relevant issues. Cover the following topics/issues to be studied on and around the identified site/location/area:-

·       Demography inc. Ethnicity, Religion, Job, Income level, age groupings
·       Economic activities.
·       Lifestyles, practices, norms, community interactions, culture
·       What activities and where they take place.
·       Where do the population go and congregate/socialize, and what are their preferences (observational and presumptions are acceptable in this case – based on generic studies.
·       Buildings:  conditions, types/typology.
·       Existing facilities, Infrastructure & services.
·       Solids and void
·       Borders and boundaries
·       Circulation, transportation, pedestrians & open spaces, green areas, flora and fauna
·       Zonings at community and dwellings level
·       Climate and micro-climates
·       Other issues, refer to separate handout.

Task 1c:  Conceptual and Schematic Site and Building Sketch Design
Design the special needs shelter complex based on the concept, Issues and approaches you have chosen. The complex is to consist of up to 6 storey blocks of accommodation plus social/communal and special needs facilities. The design should emphasize on Architectural articulation of indoor/outdoor space, form and elements based on user requirement and programme design parameters, and how to make the shelter and complex environment more appealing to the specified users, encouraging social interaction. The building/architecture needs to be visibly and intrinsically sustainable as a design parameter, on top of those that you have established for yourself. Brief and studies are to be prepared earlier, but the design should include an appropriate number of accommodation units to house 150 occupants and communal and special needs facilities and social interaction spaces. Some functional considerations are to be addressed appropriately e.g. preliminary zoning and circulation considerations - internal and external.

User specific architectural issues:
Exploit the special architectural considerations for such a community,
·       What would be their peculiarities?
·       How do you design for these peculiarities?
·       The basic functions must work, but can these be attuned to accentuate the architecture?
·       Where in the design can these be enhanced?
·       Can these be translated into good and interesting architecture?

The site design – conceptual, perceptual and functional design emphasizing on the site, with reasonable considerations for the block and unit designs.
·       3 A1 sheets
·       Synthesis, precedent studies and Concept Sheets
·       Scale 1: 500 site design plan, 1:200 block drawings/ floor plans
·       Contents to be determined by the student, what would be the best method of showing the design. Traditional plans, sections and elevations are allowed but not necessary.
·       Working model and CG modeling.
·       To be presented and panel assessed.

Task 2  40%                   6  weeks                   CLO1, CLO2, CLO4

Main Design Development and Final Design Drawings
Final Design Proposal, addressing current issues of special needs users in Malaysia as identified in the research stage and conceptual design stage and developed from students own conceptual approaches as well as continued research and studies.

Task 2a
Site Analysis and Synthesis, Brief development, further research & conceptual studies – development of conceptual proposals. Develop Schematic, Site and Preliminary Design Options – including conceptual and perceptual proposals, functional (the building must work)  - determined structural and constructional systems, structural grid, sections.

The areas of concern that is being addressed this semester are manifold and interrelated. The main social issues that have been identified in the previous stages will be the basis of each students design.

Propose an approach to your design based on the issues and concepts. There is a limit as to how much architecture can affect these issues, but it is our intention to identify what those limits are and to stretch it as far as possible. Your designs will be a reflection of your sensitivity to current social and architectural design issues.

Students should ponder the following questions, in relation to the concepts, issues and conceptual approaches, interactions, activities and enhancement, as well as user/visitor interactions, within the context of proposing an innovative design:

·       What are the basic requirements for the design?
·   What are the activities that enhance interactions and are they able to be carried out within the existing scenario?
·       Who are your target users?
·       What are the specific activities that can occur within your design?
·       Are the activities new ones, or can new activities be encouraged?
·       Are the spaces arranged to accommodate the best functional layout, circulation and zoning?
·       How can you maximize the benefits to the people who can benefit from the design
·       Who are the ones that can benefit from the design?
·       Can there be multiplicity of uses?
·       What is the purpose of your space(s)?
·       How do you address and exploit the problem of public and private spaces.
·       How do you address and exploit the social culture and physical context of the locality.
·       How interesting or innovative is your design?

Special Characteristics
·       Interesting spaces and spatial connections
·       Sense of welcoming
·       Sense of surprise
·       Sense of place
·       Sense of exclusivity
·       Framing of views, outward and inward, vistas
·       Manifestation and Enhancement of conceptual ideas
·       Innovations
·       Green issues

Parameter 1
Design Response to architectural theory and issues, conceptual considerations, site analysis and synthesis including population study, appropriately designed building and environment. Awareness!!!

Parameter 2
The social and special needs environment, individual, couple, familial, neighbour/neighbourhood, community and public use of the spaces. Including enabling interactions between users and environment and users and users. 

Parameter 3
Sustainability and Green buildings. Sustainable materials, energy conservation, renewable energy, rainwater harvesting, solid waste disposal, passive and active climatic response.

Parameter 4
Technical considerations. Structure, construction, services appropriate for the site and project, building integration and performance (refer SBEA3733

Conceptual studies are to cover:
·       Literature review, precedent studies
·       the appropriate site and contextual response and cues that can influence or inspire your design
·       develop the conceptual proposals for the plan and 3d form of your design.
·       a suggestion of the spatial requirements for the whole design and a conceptual proposal as to how the major components of the design i.e special needs, accommodation and community/public spaces can mutually benefit each other.
·       Conceptual ideas and development-sketches and annotations

Schematic, Site and Preliminary Design – including perceptual proposals –
This stage of the project covers the following aspects:
a.     Final Brief Development
b.     Schematic Design Development
c.      Site Design Development
d.     Sketch Design Development
e.     Working model

Brief Development
Each student must finalize the nature of the design development with his/her own special emphasis, issues and concepts. There should be an emphasis on the provision of integrated facilities for the use of the local community in particular, and local community and the public/visitors, with the understanding of the desire to promote integration among and between different groups of users. Students are to propose strategies and methods of achieving this through their architecture. Indicate also the rationale for having the integration in the first place, bearing in mind the idea of synergy, symbiotic relationships and mutual benefits. The final brief should also include the schedule of spaces, both interior (including estimated sizes based on projected usage and activity) as well as formal and informal intermediate and outdoor spaces.

As such the brief should indicate the design aims and objectives, strategies for achieving those objectives and the possible means of using architecture to implement the strategies.

Suggested aims of the design are:
i.         To design various categories of housing and appropriate community interaction and activity centre beneficial for each of the major functions, emphasizing on the symbiotic and synergic relationships between them, in tandem with the issues and concepts addressed and adopted.
ii.       Creating interesting and innovative architectural solutions that could enhance the architectural features, spaces and experiences of the users
iii.             Ensuring the contextual and environmental relationships of the built form to the site context.
iv.             Incorporating relevant aspects of sustainable or green architecture.

Indicate in your design brief the strategies related to each of the design aims and their relevant methods of implementations.
Possible Strategy to achieve design aim (i):
Highlight the forms and spaces that can attract the different target users to the centre individually and those that can be shared by the immediate users, community and visitor functions and ensuring their easy accessibility. How to make the housing and communal facilities  attractive.

Methods of implementation:
·       Approach to and design of spaces  should welcome target users and encourage interaction
·       How to make a housing unit interesting, innovative and  a home.
·       Identify relevant spaces eg: hall, commercial areas, recreation area, dining areas, meeting rooms, galleries for different levels of interactions within the development.
·       Innovative and out of the box.

Possible Strategies to achieve design aim (ii)
Articulation of form and space for experiential variations
·       Variety of space and form (roof form, building form, plan form etc.)
·       Volumetric spaces
·       Interlocking spaces
·       Overlooking spaces
·       Continuity of space and form
·       Contrasting spaces
·       Planar manipulations: horizontal, vertical, inclined, raised, lowered
Composition of form, space and visual elements
·       façade,
·       ornamentation,
·       expressive structure,
·       furniture and fittings etc

Possible Strategies for design aim (iii)
Building on the potentials of the site
·       views: different views and different ways of manipulating views
·       utilize physical natural existing assets
Turning site constraints into assets
·       undulating topography used to create interesting leveling arrangements
·       steep slopes to enhance dramatic effects
Designing with nature
·       Bringing the outdoors in and vice versa
·       Intermediate spaces to relate indoor spaces to natural outdoors
·       Continuity of built forms or elements into the natural environment
Designing based on local cultural references
·       Architectural style
·       Lifestyle

Possible Strategies for design aim (iv)

Passive energy conscious environmental design
·       Orientation
·       Through ventilation
·       Maximizing daylighting
·       Use/reuse of appropriate materials
·       Using recyclable and recycled materials
·       Use of renewable materials and appropriate technology
·       Rainwater harvesting

Active energy conscious environmental design
·       Solar panels
·       Photovoltaic panels
·       Alternative energy sources
·       Daylighting Sensors
·       Heat pumps.

Each aim may employ more than one strategy and various methods of implementation

Submission Requirements for Task 2a
4 – 6 A1 Sheets
·       Revised Site and Contextual Analysis and Synthesis –
·       Written description of issues addressed and conceptual ideas and approaches, target users and how concept and issues affect the site and brief of the design
·       Project brief including schedule of spaces, dimensions, and users (Critically Important)
·       Conceptual ideas and development sketches and annotations including how to exploit the site sustainably.
·       Development of planning concepts/layouts for your design
·       Developed Schematic plan for the shelter complex and immediate facilities inc. lift core designs and communal facilities.
·       Annotations and sketches explaining ideas and implementation of concepts,
·       Including perceptual, experiential and spatial qualities that can be adopted.
·       Concept sheets to explain brief, concepts, strategies and implementations utilizing annotated graphics and diagrams (some of these may be distributed throughout the various presentation sheets)
·       Complete sketch drawings of site design, floor plans, sections, elevations and 3D drawings
·       Developed working model.

All drawings are to be uniformly formatted. Minimise graphics that are not relevant to the project parameters and concepts.
Findings from research and conceptual design stages that are relevant may be included at this stage. This will be monitored by the tutor and should be part of the final design presentation.

Task 2b
Final Design including presentation works, and considerations of Interior Architecture (will overflow to Technical stage)

Submission requirements for Task 2b

6 to 8 A1 sheets of presentation drawings
·       Plans, sections and elevations at 1:200 minimum to include immediate context for gf plan.
·       Site Plan (showing roof plan) at 1:500, key plan and location plan.
·       Axonometric, Isometric or birds eye view of overall development
·       Cut isometric of overall development to show interior spaces
·       Exterior Perspectives
·       Interior perspective
·       1:25 isometric of major architectural space.

Task 2a and 2b will be assessed by a panel of lecturers at the end of Task 2b.

Task 3 Technology Integration 25% 3 weeks

3 A1 sheets
·       Full Technical cross-section through best space to be agreed with tutor at 1:50.
·       3D Isometric Technical Drawing of part building integrating structure, construction and services at 1:20
·       Special details at 1:5 or 1:10
·       Structural axonometric (exploded if necessary) to clearly indicate main structural members and constructional components and services considerations 1:100.
·       Technical drawing schematics for services water supply inc harvesting techniques, water supply, sanitary, air conditioning and fire fighting and escape requirements.

Task 4 Design Dissertation 10%

The Design Dissertation is an important part of the Programme requirement and it is necessary for you to pass this stage for you to pass the overall course.
Suggested Report Content

Chapter 1 Introduction

Literature Review
Social Issues
Architectural Approaches/Theories
Precedent Studies on building types
Design Precedents
Site Synthesis
Site Forces, SWOT Analysis
Site response
Contextual Response
Social Response
Design Process
Conceptual Considerations
Perceptual Considerations
Functional Considerations
Technology Integration Considerations
Design Solutions
Technical Considerations

Possible approsch: Document Design Diary
Question the students – meta questions – Refer Dr Khairul
What is the problem? How have you addressed it? How do you solve it?.. for each of the problems

Design Report is compulsory and passing it is a condition for passing the Design Course. This is a documented report in A4 size. The report format must be according to UTM guidelines for Projek Sarjana Muda. It is to be submitted with table of contents, standardized format and updated contents based on discussion and comments during crits and assessments and include reduced the relevant final design drawings that is appropriately related to each section and chapter.

Submissions Draft Week 13, Final Submission Week 19 Submit Hard Bound Copy, CD and A3.


Architectural Theory
1.     Ching, Francis D.K. (2007), Form, Space and Order, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken New Jersey
2.     American Planning Association (2006) Planning and Urban Design Standards, Hoboken NJ: Willey, Moughtin, Cliff (1999) Urban Design, Methods and techniques, London: Routledge
3.     Ford, Edward (2003),The Details of Modern Architecture, Cambridge MA: MIT Press
4.     Cotts, David & Kathy O Ropper & Richard P Payant (2010), Facility management Handbook, New York: Amacom
5.     Walters, David & Linda Brown (2004), Design First: Design Based Planning for Communities, London: Architectural Press
6.     Heat, Kingston (2009), Vernacular Architecture and Regional Design : Cultural Process and Environmental Response, London: Architectural Press
7.     Katz, Peter (1994) The New Urbanism, Toward an Architecture of Community, New York: McGraw Hill Professional
8.     Walters, David (2007),  Designing Communities: Charrette, masterplans, and Form-Based Codes, New York: Elsevier/ Architectural Press
9.     Zyscovich, Bernard & Douglas R Porter (2008), Getting Real about Urbanism: Contextual Design for Cities, Washington DC: Urban Land Institute
10.   Jerke, Dennis & Douglas R Porter & Terry J Lascar (2008), Urban Design and the Bottom Line, Optimizing the Return on Perception, Washington DC: Urban Land Institute
11.   Baird, G.,(2010),”Sustainable buildings in practice : what the users think”,  Routledge, Abingdon, England.
12.   Broadbent (1988), DESIGN IN ARCHITECTURE, Architecture and the Human David Fulton Publication, London.
Building by Law
13.   Anthony ,Speaight (2009) Architect's Legal Handbook: The Law for Architects, Edition9, Elsevier Science
14.   Laws of Malaysia, Uniform Buildings By Law, MDC Publisher
15.   Ching, Francis D.K. and Winkel, Steven R. (2007), Building Codes Illustrated, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., Hoboken New Jersey
1.     Macdonnald, Angus (2001),  Structure and Architecture, Burlington MA: Elsevier
2.     Bokalders,V., (2010),The whole building handbook : how to design healthy, efficient and sustainable buildings”, Earthscan Ltd, London.
3.     Geschwindner, L.F.,(2008), Unified design of steel structures”,John Wiley, London, UK.
4.     Hall, F.,  (2009), “ Building services handbook : incorporating current building and construction regulations”, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK
5.     Hall F. & Greeno R., (2001) “Building Services Handbook”. Butterworth Heinemann
6.     International Conference on Composite Construction, (2004),  “Composite construction in steel and concrete”,  proceedings of the 5th international conference : July 18-23, 2004, Kruger National Park, Berg-en-Dal, Mpumalanga, South Africa Kruger National Park, Berg-en-Dal, Mpumalanga, South Africa.
7.     Jason Alread & Thomas Leslie (2007). “Design-Tech: Building science for Architect”. Architectural Press.
8.     Keeler, M., (2009), Fundamentals of integrated design for sustainable building”, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken, NJ.
9.     Matlock, Marty D., (2010), “Ecological engineering design: restoring and conserving ecosystem services”, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ.
10.   Ochshorn, J., (2010),  “Structural elements for architects and builders: design of columns, beams, and tension elements in wood, steel, and reinforced concrete”, Butterworth-Heinemann, Amsterdam, NE.
11.   Vandenberg, M.,  (1997), “Glass canopies: detail in building”, Academy Editions, Geoffrey Sciences, New York.  
12.   Weller, B.,  (2009), “Glass in building: principles, applications, example”, Birkhauser Verlag AG.
13.   Yudelson, J., (2009), “Green building through integrated design”, McGraw-Hill Professional, New York.


Thank you. Have a nice semester.

Prepared by: Dr Abdul Halim Hussein (Studio Coordinator)

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